Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Cute Tea Pet

Share with you a new tea pet in the shape of a tortoise bought from Taiwan! 
Isn't it cute? :)
Let's travel around the World to explore about tea culture~

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~~

Pu'er tea with mooncake
Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated in the Chinese community every year on the 15th of the eight month in the Lunar calendar. On this evening, the moon is the biggest and brightest of all days of the year. It is also a time for family to gather together and enjoy the festive delicacy- mooncake. Tea is often served along with this sweet and delicious snack, what is your choice of tea to go with mooncakes?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Hong Kong Tea Fair 2015

Highlights of Hong Kong Tea Fair 2015
It is good to meet tea suppliers and buyers from all over the world~ See you again next year!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Mid Summer Tea Experience

Tea cup from Taiwan engraved with the Chinese character 'Tiger'

A cup of tea is only perfect when brew and served with fine tea ware.
Treat yourself and enjoy a perfect cup in this mid-summer Sunday.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Japanese Tetsubin

Japanese Iron Kettle Tetsubin

Have you tried brewing tea with Tetsubin boiled water? Because of the raw material used, the texture and taste of iron kettle boiled water will differ from that boiled with a stainless steel or plastic kettle. To achieve the best result, use it for Pu'er tea and other types of fermented tea that requires higher water temperature for brewing. 

There are several things to note when using a Tetsubin:
* The Tetsubin can be used over fire or on a IH cooker (recommended)
* When there is water inside the kettle, keep it heated
* Make sure it's dried thoroughly after used to prevent rusting
* Do not touch the body of the kettle while it is being heated, it is really hot!!
* Colour of the kettle will change over time (in a good way!)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Zen Painting by Mr. Quenten Lee

A Zen painting by the renowned Taiwanese artist Mr. Quentin Lee 李蕭錕. Mr. Lee often includes tea pot and tea cups in his Zen paintings since Tea is a conventional symbol of Zen Buddhism.

(Photo courtesy: Mr. Quenten Lee's Facebook Page)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Traditional Tea Can from Hong Kong

A traditionally designed tea can found in an old, established tea shop in Hong Kong! It was quite surprising to see this still available in the market, as many of the old tea shops have changed their packaging into a more modern design to cater for the younger generation. The insistent of using the traditional package is much appreciated because it reminds us that tea is a living history that we are part of!